When you contribute to IRDF, you are making
a significant and lasting impact on the lives of rural
Through our professional management we maximize the value of your support
multiply its effect.
If you have owned stock for more than a year and it has gone up in
you get a charitable deduction equal to the current value of the
stock. Big
tax plus: You avoid paying tax on the gain in value. So the cost of
charitable gift equals the stock's original cost to you, but the
equals its present value. You get a tax deduction for appreciation in
on which you pay no tax. In fact, no tax is ever paid on the
IRDF, a tax-exempt organization, owes no tax when it sells the stock.
Example: Two years ago, you bought stock for
$500. Its value is now $750. You want to make a $750 donation to IRDF. You
give the stock instead of the cash and get a $750 deduction for a cost of
only $500. Assuming you are in the 28 percent federal income tax bracket,
you also save around $70 in federal income taxes. (You may also save
state and local income taxes.) Plus, you won't have to pay capital gains
tax on the stock's $250 appreciation in value.
You can donate stock by downloading the
IRDF is a tax-exempt
organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 (c)
(3). (Tax identification number:
The most recent form 990 annual return filed by IRDF with the Internal Revenue Service
may be viewed on the GuideStar web site operated by Philanthropic Research, Inc.,
of Williamsburg, VA (Note: Guidestar now requires free registration).
IRDF is a non-endowed
foundation and relies on the annual support of many generous
individuals, foundations, and corporations. |